About Us
Nicholas House is in the village of Haxey, on the Isle of Axholme. We are part of a small group consisting of six homes that work together to provide the best possible care. As the company is a family run business with over 20 years’ experience in the caring community you can be assured that we will care for those that you care about.
It is always possible to find a special place to be comfortable at Nicholas House, whether it is with the company of others or just a quiet time to enjoy the peaceful gardens.

Our accommodation consists of well furnished and appointed single rooms which are situated on the ground and first floor(accessible by lift). Our home is cheerfully decorated and some bedrooms have en-suite of which four have a full shower.
All our rooms have ample furniture but enough space for personal items such as photographs and ornaments to be brought in to create a cosier, familiar environment. We provide a choice of main lounges and the dining room is bright and cheerful, looking out onto the landscaped gardens through patio doors in the adjoining sun room.
The Coach House wing has been specially designed for the comfort of our residents that may have been diagnosed with Dementia. It is calm and peaceful and has been refurbished to Dementia friendly standards. This assists orientation and helps residents find their rooms and their way around the home.

All meals are freshly prepared and cooked on the premises. Our Cooks produce home made, nutritious, enjoyable meals. The menu is regularly changed and personal likes and dislikes are catered for along with specific dietary requirements.
There are hot drinks and snacks available throughout the day, with menu changes to reflect the seasons.
Breakfast is a choice of either full breakfast or cereals and toast, fresh fruit, fruit juice and tea and coffee.
There is always a choice of at least two main dishes for lunch with a choice of dessert too.
There are a selection of sandwiches and cakes for evening times or something hot if required.
Fridays are usually fish and chips with the traditional roast on Sundays.
Our residents are encouraged to use meals times as a social event, but their privacy is always respected and meals may be taken in their rooms if they so wish.
We encourage relatives to have meals with residents, especially for birthdays when a homemade birthday cake is usually organised and for other special occasions.

Things to do
At Nicholas House we provide a variety of activities for residents to enjoy, including the ever popular coffee morning, reminiscence, quizzes and dominoes, etc
It is important to us that residents are encouraged to maintain a level of enthusiasm for getting involved in the range of activities provided. Our committed activity coordinator works hard to organise art and craft classes, baking and cake decorating, pampering sessions, sensory activities, external entertainment, and trips to gardens centres and the local pub. The traditional celebratory events for the year like Easter and Christmas are always made special within the home.
Our hairdresser is with us every Monday and Tuesday should you wish to use this facility and we have a chiropodist who visits every 6 weeks.
We have long service staff at Nicholas House and that is why our continuing care is so well established; they are well trained and lead by example and are quite forward thinking to new training and ideas.
They are friendly efficient and excellent in providing holistic caring. The team leaders are experienced and have NVQ 3 qualifications or are working towards this. There is a Team leader on duty at Nicholas House 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We have a programme of induction and in-house staff training at all levels.
For your reassurance and our commitment to quality, we incorporate the Diploma in Health and Social Care training for our staff in order to enhance their abilities and to offer better quality of care to the residents.
Our staff also take many accredited courses such as Safeguarding, Dementia awareness, Health and Safety, Fire training, Food Hygiene, Moving and Handling, Infection Control and First Aid etc. Nicholas House is committed to training for these skills.